A special visit to Hilaturas Jesús Rubio

We have received the visit of Mayor Xavier Garcés Trillo and Deputy Mayor Mònica Sempere Creus in our facilities, within the framework of the recent collaboration agreement with the City Council of Barberà del Vallès.

Here at Hilaturas Jesús Rubio, we have been dedicated to the world of wool spinning for years, keeping alive a family tradition that has been able to adapt to the times without losing the essence of quality and passion for our work.

During the visit, we could share the details of our production process, showing how we turn wool into yarns of the highest quality, ready to be transformed into unique pieces of clothing and accessories.


Resources: https://www.bdv.cat/es/noticies/visita-las-empresas-del-moli-den-gall-raiz-del-convenio-firmado-con-el-ayuntamiento-para 

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